With the final release of World of Warplanes, Wargaming launched their unified account system so World of Tanks players could easily access the new game with a single account. “Son, your ego is writing checks your body can’t cash.” I had dabbled with World of Tanks and could see the appeal with its huge variety of tanks and tactical battles, but how would that style of gameplay translate to aerial combat? It was something that I always felt even Wargaming were not sure about when I’d talked to them at various industry shows. I’m a bit of a flight sim buff so WoWP piqued my interest when it was announced. The testing phase showed the game had promise but Wargaming had a lot to sort out with the visuals and flight controls. World of Warplanes was in beta testing for quite a while and I’ve dived in and out of it throughout the year. It’s this triplicate of free to play titles that will no doubt keep Wargaming’s coffers full for some time to come.
The “World of” series is being planned a trilogy we’ve had the tanks and now we’ve got the planes, with the battleships to come. Everyone knows about World of Tanks, it helped thrust Wargaming into the mainstream with its attention to detail and tactical online tank battles.